I might turn this into a proper blog one day. Till then, here's some download links to talks I've done in the past:
Procedural Generation In Windforge
This covers a lot of the procedural generation techniques we used in Windforge.
(Presented at MIGS 2014)
Thinking Before Acting: AI Planning in Games
This covers some of my explorations into using AI planners in Games.
(Presented at MIGS 2016)
Applied Physics in Windforge
This covers some of the physics related problems we needed to solve in Windforge, including Box2D modifications, platforming physics, ship physics, and grappling hooks.
(Presented at CGX 2017)
Grammar Techniques For Procedural Architecture
This introduces using spacial grammars to generate architecture, and some methods to overcome some of their limitations.
(Presented at CGX 2018)
Frictionless Debug UI In C++
This talk introduces Dear ImGUI and shows some tricks I'm using in some of my tools. It also shows a macro trick I like using that generates a lot of the tedious code in my tools related to property UI and serialization.
I demoed a bunch of code live for this talk, so the slides will be missing some info, but hopefully people will still find the slides useful. (Btw, I love Dear ImGUI)
(Presented at Techsphere March 2019)
Intro to AutoHotkey
This talk introduces AutoHotkey, which is a cool tool for automation, keybindings, and hotstrings. Check this out to get ideas of what AutoHotkey can do, script examples and scripting tips. I don't really cover the scripting details, but the AutoHotkey tutorial on their website does that well already.
This is the auto hotkey script and related files I used for the demo:
I also wrote a handy tool to capture mouse clicks for AutoHokey scripts: AutoHotkeyInputRecorder.zip
(Presented at Techsphere October 2019)
I also have a crazy game for sale on Steam. Some of the talks above cover some of the the techniques we used to make Windforge.
Check out the steam page here:
I wrote a chapter for a cool book a while ago called Procedural Generation in Game Design. It's worth checking out if you're interested in this topic. The book has 27 chapters, each covering a different topic related to procedural content for games. My chapter covered the the techniques we used to generate architecture in Windforge.